Are Collagen Supplements Worth The Hype? Dietitian Explains
Posted July 2024

Have you been seeing collagen supplements everywhere on social media and wonder if they are actually worth the hype?
I’m a Dietitian and Nutritionist and I’m going to break down some of the science behind Collagen so you can see why I recommend it as part of a healthy and balanced diet.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It is the main component of connective tissue which means you can expect to find it in your bones, skin, cartilage, muscle tissue, ligaments and tendons.
Collagen is strong yet flexible, which is how it gives elasticity to the skin and supports the growth and maintenance of your connective tissues.
Whilst there are 28 different types of collagen present in our bodies, there are three notable forms that you need to be aware of. Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 Collagen.
The amount of collagen we have in our bodies can begin to decline as early as our 20’s. Why? The natural ageing process, of course - which equates to 1% loss of collagen per year after the age of 20! But also due to oxidative stress caused by UV rays, air pollution and other environmental stressors. The way we absorb nutrients as we age can also contribute to this decline.
A decline in collagen production translates to a loss in structure, resulting in dry skin, brittle hair, cracked nails and achy joints.
This is where hydrolysed collagen peptides come in. You see, standard collagen is a huge molecule, which means the body struggles to break it down. The process of hydrolysis uses water and enzymes to break down the collagen molecules which make them shorter and more easily absorbed.
According to the research, consuming 10 grams of collagen peptides daily for 10 weeks equates to an 8% increase in collagen density in the dermal layer.
The Collagen Co boasts an impressive 15 grams of collagen per serve to deliver you the most optimal results. Their flavours are incredibly delicious and versatile!
As a dietitian, I highly recommend giving them a go!
Millie xx