Tea M. - Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks
I definitely have noticed the difference in my gut health, hair growth and my skin is glowing ☺️💛 Compared to other in the market these are so much more potent in the results.

Tea M.

Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks

Age: 30 - 40

Key Concerns:

  1. Hair
  2. Hair Growth
  3. Hair Shine
Tea M. - Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks
The flavour is perfect in water. Love the potency of this brand and can really see the growth in my hair and nails. Easy to use too.

Tea M.

Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks

Age: 30 - 40

Key Concerns:

  1. nail growth
  2. Nails
Natalie B. - Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks
My hair feels softer and smoother, my skin feels more hydrated and my nails are definitely stronger. It's like a mini-makeover from the inside out! I absolutely loved the Strawberry Watermelon flavour. I often consumed it when I normally have a snack - it felt like I was having something sweet and delicious without all the added calories! If you're looking for a way to improve your hair, skin and nails, I highly recommend giving The Collagen Co's Premium Collagen Peptides a try. It might just surprise you like it did me!

Natalie B.

Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks

Age: 30 - 40

Key Concerns:

  1. Nails
Rowan C. - Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks
My skin improved so much with a glow and minimal spots, it felt more hydrated too. 

Rowan C.

Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks

Age: 30 - 40

Key Concerns:

  1. Skin
  2. Uneven skin
Rowan C. - Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks
I did a 30 day challenge with the collagen powder and wow! I was super impressed with the results. My nails grew so much faster! they were so much thicker and stronger then usual meaning they actually all grew long with none uneven from breakage. 

Rowan C.

Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks

Age: 30 - 40

Key Concerns:

  1. Brittle Nails
  2. Nails
  3. Weak Nails
Rowan C - Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks
I was super impressed with the results. My hair grew noticeably longer. It gave it more shine/life and seemed to be thicker too! The strawberry Watermelon flavour is really nice!

Rowan C

Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks

Age: 30 - 40

Key Concerns:

  1. Damaged Hair
  2. Hair
  3. Hair Loss
Gabby K. - Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 6 months
My skin has never been better. Since my second pregnancy I have had terrible skin, with breakouts and redness, the doctors told me it would all go away in time as I was still breastfeeding etc. 3 years later it was still bad. I have a monthly subscription to your collagen powder and in the last 6-8 months my skin has never looked or felt so good. So thank you ❤️❤️❤️ much love

Gabby K

Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 6 months

Age: 20 - 30

Key Concerns:

  1. Skin
  2. Uneven skin
Elena M. - Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks
My skin has been great and my hair is definitely growing a lot quicker and shinier! Can’t believe how much healthier my hair is and glowy my skin is!

Elena M.

Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks

Age: 20 - 30

Key Concerns:

  1. Skin
  2. Uneven skin
Sarah T. - Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks
I have been trying the Strawberry Watermelon Collagen Powder for a month and have been so impressed with the results!Look how much my hair has grown!

Sarah T.

Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks

Age: 30 - 40

Key Concerns:

  1. Hair
  2. Hair Growth
Shana K. - Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks
28 days growth drinking the strawberry & watermelon collagen. I can honestly say my hair, skin and nails benefited from this. Love it!!!

Shana K.

Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks

Age: 30 - 40

Key Concerns:

  1. nail growth
  2. Nails
Shana K. - Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks
28 days growth drinking the strawberry & watermelon collagen. I can honestly say my hair, skin and nails benefited from this. My skin isn’t dry and feels hydrated, definitely making me drink more water! Love it!!!

Shana K.

Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks

Age: 30 - 40

Key Concerns:

  1. Skin
  2. Uneven skin
Melissa B. - Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks
28 days of using the Collagen peptides and I had such great results. Hair was healthier, nails grew so fast and my skin felt more plump and glowy! So now I'm going to try the glow shakes as i was so impressed.

Melissa B.

Taking Premium Collagen Peptides for 4 weeks

Age: 30 - 40

Key Concerns:

  1. Hair
  2. Hair Growth

Showing 12 of 112 articles