How Jeanette recovered from Postpartum and Virus-related hair loss
Posted December 2022

It can be an unpleasant surprise when your hair starts thinning a few weeks after your baby is born or recovering from an illness or virus. You may find loose hairs on your clothing and pillows, or hair might clog your shower drain.
The good news is that collagen is rich in proline – the main component of keratin, a protein that makes up your hair. So, the consumption of collagen should provide your body with the building blocks it needs to create new hair that’ll replace all that “catch-up hair loss”, putting you back on the path to thick and luscious locks.
We asked Jeanette to share her personal hair loss journeys with us.
When did you start to see noticeable hair loss?
I started noticing severe hair loss in January this year. After having COVID, I started having massive hair loss when I wash my hair in the shower and clumps would fall out. I already had thin hair as a result of 3 pregnancies but covid hair loss was on a different level.
What did you do previously to treat the hair loss?
I had previously used hair vitamins, but the results weren’t as good and not as fast.
When did you start to see results after taking The Collagen Co?
About two weeks in, I noticed my hair was not falling out as much. My hairdresser started seeing new hair growth around the 1-month mark which I found was amazing! 🤩 I started feeling my hair getting thicker around 6-8 weeks.
How and when do you take your Collagen?
I have two scoops twice a day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon/evening. If I’m using the unflavoured one, I’ll mix it with orange juice or iced tea or if I’m having a flavoured one, just with water.
Comments? Thoughts?
This product has changed my hair for the better. As you can see through my photos of my results, my hair is healthier, shiner, thicker and longer 💁♀️
For the first time in a very long time, I am confident to wear my hair pushed back in a ponytail or parted in a particular way without worrying about bold spots being visible. It has given me confidence ✨ that I didn’t even know I was missing.
I’m constantly telling friends about this product and showing them my before and after photos because unless you see the before you won’t believe the results! It truly is money well spent!
Thank you, The Collagen Co 💛